Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The mind… plays the game
Poor heart… takes the blame
It pumps your blood
And keeps you alive
But for your silly hormones
It is the victim and bears the knife

The fantasies of poets and philosophers came alive
Inside the Love matrix…rationality strives
The Common, bloody, sense took a back seat
Gaffes, from ages, love-birds did repeat
To superfluously complicate the rather simplicity of being
You have the whimsical idea of LOVE, to cling

“Oh! I cannot live without you”
“My Life would be incomplete without you”
Pray, have a good thought before you are trapped
In the brutal clutches of emotional conditioning
Comrade, it is never about the connection and commitment
It is merely the brain-controlled-body-harmonizing

Though, amidst the strong socio-emotional grasp of L.O.V.E
Under the spell of TV-Movies-Music, the chances are few
But, I hope, someday you will be able to see…
Beyond this Milieu…
When the bright light of lucidity shines on you !!!

Hakuna Matata

Thursday, March 24, 2011

VOID !!!

That’s where it began
That’s where it will end
Then why do I strive?
Twist and tangle and bend?

Purpose, reason and path are petty
When it’s going to culminate in VOID
Nothingness in Life or Life in Nothingness
Thoughts and morals then, are just decoys

Beyond the gasp of survival
Into the heavens of death
Lies the truth of Life
Rational, undisputed and clear

Chasms and the pinnacles, then
Seem unworthy of my attention
Beyond the human emo-rationale
awaits the ultimate realization !!!

Hakuna Matata