Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Day I Died !!!

The day I died
I looked back and cried
For the miseries I lived
And the hardships I faced
Cried…for the people I hurt
For times when my Self was disgraced

The day I died
I looked back and smiled
For the love I received
And the ignorance I deceived
Smiled…for the moments I revered
And the stupid nightmares I feared

The day I died
I looked back and laughed
For the blunders I committed
And the baloney I vomited
Laughed… at myself and on others
Even for my foes , so for my brothers

The day I died
I did nothing but pulled the trigger
Brought the curtains down, for this circus
Without regrets…Happily with a smile
Why?... people anyways are going to derive
Life was a laboratory, with experiments of all kind
It was time to perform the ultimate...I could find.

Hakuna Matata

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Love :

Don’t believe it so don’t feel it
Emotions may cloud the mind but desires are bodily
Reasoned the inter dependence of sapiens
The communion is plain biology not heavenly

Friendship :

Projections and Expectations are bookish
Purity seldom exist when the acts are selfish
Eternity of friendship is nothing but a whim
Time changes and people follow the same

Family :

Affection since birth is instinctive
Reciprocating the emotions and care
Sincere duty is expected
Will stand by……..through glee and despair

Life :

Roller coaster ride with ups and downs
Sailing my way through…smooth water and storms
On my way to the culmination of my existence
Defying the rules and the predefined norms

Love, Friendship and Family are nothing
But merely the blocks of Life
Everything is for ME, With ME and By ME
Without ME, they cease to exist
I am the source….and I am the void
I is nothing…….yet I am everything
From the opening of the eyes…….till they close
The ride continues…..on the Highway… I Chose !!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Lost in the nihilistic chaos
We are the children of domestic violence
Bleak future and heavy past upon us
We are dancing in numbing silence

Revolution and rage raked inside
Battle for survival, never going to culminate
Euphoria is the new home we live in
Away from reality, castles in air, we create

Toxic blend of selfish righteousness
Rationality being lost in the course of mechanization
Thoughts are fuzzy, distorted and wretched
Television and technology is what we make of education

LSD and grass is the new appetite
With them, with us, with the fight
Freedom, we cannot define but we seek
Inside, the prejudiced captive self cries…

Religion and god, the influence is lost
Identity crisis, not to be blamed on West
World, forced upon us, is of no cost
Violence, blood, rock and roll… sanity, at its best

Striving to stay afoot, when life is falling apart
Humanly traits are depleting slowly
Don’t know when it will end, cannot make out the start
Dwelled in the brute instincts of wilderness and sex
We are the children of today…..We are GEN X


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Country Today!!!

Shinning or dimming, it’s hard to tell
But, people, certainly it’s time to ring the bell
In wake of the events all around
Helpless and confused, My country is found

Where a fifth grade dropout decides
Fates and careers of doctorates and Phds
Corruption has crippled all the four legs
Scuffle over that trembling chair is politics
Democracy is reduced to vote banks and regionalist bias
Pained and complaining is My Country Today

Naxalism and terrorism are the regular terms, we see
Where bomb blasts and bloodbaths have lost their blow
Centre blaming the state and opposition blaming the centre
Welcome, people, to this circus, it’s the new reality show
Talks and conferences and statements are very well composed
Surprised and shocked is My Country Today

Women, as per the “Culture”, signifies the goddess for us
Where, the Sainiks, manhandling our women, to save the “Culture”
Fundamental freedoms of an Indian are fuzzy
Is it just pieces of paper with signatures, we call constitution ?
We, killing each other for religion – caste – community, are so busy
Don’t even realize, what good is my religion when no humans are left to pray
Hurt and bleeding is My Country Today

I blame you and you blame somebody, somebody to next and we live happily
Corruption, Population, Media, Politics, Terrorism etc…and they are numerous
We, learn to blame and complain, than to work and take up responsibility
It has always been easy to find an excuse than to strive for a solution
Its sarcastic to say India, Our country, when we can’t even stand for the anthem
As they say, even a bee’s movement is significant in earth’s motion
A simplest of action could make the difference
Education and awareness among the countrymen can show us the way
People, Hopeful and Expecting is My Country Today


Monday, March 29, 2010


Wings of the fan are looping slowly
Morrison’s voice is deep and transfixing
Laying there, I could really see
Beyond the walls, beyond this life, even beyond me
Gradually plunging into the muddy pool of thoughts
Could make out each strum on the guitar, every tick on the clock
That’s when the train of thoughts whistled and shunted
Always mobile on the eternal track, appending each moment without an aim
As usual, the endeavor to capture and control its motion, went in vain
Before I know, flashbacks and memories occupied me
The moments I laughed and the jiffies I cried
The maternal caress and the sound sleep, when I was a child
How I slept in that embrace… on her lap…
And now I am staying awake, trying to fill the gaps

Myriad nights are washed away to figure it out
But even an ounce of relief… could not be found
Is it the fear of future or pain from the past ?...Can’t really say
As faith is not the virtue I posses, Can’t even pray
May be the lost love or the dreaded experiences of my life…
But, the pills , the sessions, the complete help is futile
Can be my tireless mind, that refuses to rest
I keep on contemplating the reasons…preeminent being in quest

As I am clutched by my reasons and my thoughts
The sky is painted orange, on the horizon sun floats
I get off my bed to start another routine
Following the alive gleam, waiting for the permanent sleep
Sleep without the wakeup call, the darkness without light
Where the void starts and nobody knows when it ends they say…is a detrimental trait
And “Why”…is what keeps me awake...

The wait is on….

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kaash - If Only

The sun was bright in the clear blue sky
The breeze was mild and sweet
The twinkle in her eyes, the smile on her lips
Weehoooo !….my heart skyrocketed and skipped some beats
Her face is glowing and everything else is bleak
Mildly, I am loosing the focus and she is moving away
There’s so much to express but I did not say
And now I look back to my lost love… I only regret
Kaash – I had told her
Coz no matter how many you will have, First Love is never to forget

The dreadful night and the buzzing ambulance
My sight is fuzzy, could not control the tears
He held my hand and spoke in the trembling tone
“Son, You have been good and I want you to stay the same.
Take care of your mother, When I am gone “
That’s when I realized , there’s nothing worse than helplessness
I know, some things in life we can never control
Kaash – I had told him
That I owe not only my life to him, but also my soul

The music is growing with every moment, it’s farewell time
Laughter, dancing and the shouts, we are on cloud 9
Some went to business and some to the job
College used to be our world someday, now it’s the globe
From India to US of A , among the continents, we are scattered
“Hi” and “Wass Up?” is now what we came down to
“FB” and “Orkut” took the important places in our lives, things that mattered
Missing the “Sunday’s cricket”, “straying around the girl’s house” and “group discussions ”
Kaash – I had told them
Dudes! No matter where we are, we are Friends forever. No confusion

Crux :
Express - When you can coz Life won’t give you a second chance .
C’est la vie.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

August of 47!!!

When the earth cried and the sky blazed
Anger engulfed the nights and days
Villages are deserted and streets are bloody red
Not just the body, the souls are dead
Shallow mourning of the helpless infants
Crying over parents’ corpse, curbed by the religious chants
Bleak is the difference between a brute and a human
So is my country, looking at August of 47.

Humanity is going through this ruthless test
As we walk past the time, when all Indians were abreast
Fighting for a unified cause, the freedom of the nation
Enemy is not outside but lies within, mere self realization

“But what about the kins that we have lost ?
Only blood can satisfy the thirst of blood”

That’s where the rationality must sneak in
And we must put our reason ahead of our action
“But what to rationalize, when your loved ones are gone ?
When revenge rides the mind, it claims life of someone”

Then I realized , It is way beyond the specter of religion
It is merely the humane traits of anger, revenge and satisfaction
History is going to bear the deep wounds of this mayhem
It is not over and won’t be over for the generations to come

But, “Who started what” is petty against “When is it going to end?”
That is how, my country needs to wake up, in the August of 47.

If we can’t live without our history,
Then we need not live IN it either
Peace and humanity among the people and across the borders
That is how we can overcome the August of 47.
