Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Country Today!!!

Shinning or dimming, it’s hard to tell
But, people, certainly it’s time to ring the bell
In wake of the events all around
Helpless and confused, My country is found

Where a fifth grade dropout decides
Fates and careers of doctorates and Phds
Corruption has crippled all the four legs
Scuffle over that trembling chair is politics
Democracy is reduced to vote banks and regionalist bias
Pained and complaining is My Country Today

Naxalism and terrorism are the regular terms, we see
Where bomb blasts and bloodbaths have lost their blow
Centre blaming the state and opposition blaming the centre
Welcome, people, to this circus, it’s the new reality show
Talks and conferences and statements are very well composed
Surprised and shocked is My Country Today

Women, as per the “Culture”, signifies the goddess for us
Where, the Sainiks, manhandling our women, to save the “Culture”
Fundamental freedoms of an Indian are fuzzy
Is it just pieces of paper with signatures, we call constitution ?
We, killing each other for religion – caste – community, are so busy
Don’t even realize, what good is my religion when no humans are left to pray
Hurt and bleeding is My Country Today

I blame you and you blame somebody, somebody to next and we live happily
Corruption, Population, Media, Politics, Terrorism etc…and they are numerous
We, learn to blame and complain, than to work and take up responsibility
It has always been easy to find an excuse than to strive for a solution
Its sarcastic to say India, Our country, when we can’t even stand for the anthem
As they say, even a bee’s movement is significant in earth’s motion
A simplest of action could make the difference
Education and awareness among the countrymen can show us the way
People, Hopeful and Expecting is My Country Today



Amera said...

This is really heart felt and unfortunately true! :(
very well written!!

Gaurav said...
