Monday, May 24, 2010


Lost in the nihilistic chaos
We are the children of domestic violence
Bleak future and heavy past upon us
We are dancing in numbing silence

Revolution and rage raked inside
Battle for survival, never going to culminate
Euphoria is the new home we live in
Away from reality, castles in air, we create

Toxic blend of selfish righteousness
Rationality being lost in the course of mechanization
Thoughts are fuzzy, distorted and wretched
Television and technology is what we make of education

LSD and grass is the new appetite
With them, with us, with the fight
Freedom, we cannot define but we seek
Inside, the prejudiced captive self cries…

Religion and god, the influence is lost
Identity crisis, not to be blamed on West
World, forced upon us, is of no cost
Violence, blood, rock and roll… sanity, at its best

Striving to stay afoot, when life is falling apart
Humanly traits are depleting slowly
Don’t know when it will end, cannot make out the start
Dwelled in the brute instincts of wilderness and sex
We are the children of today…..We are GEN X


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