Sunday, June 27, 2010


Love :

Don’t believe it so don’t feel it
Emotions may cloud the mind but desires are bodily
Reasoned the inter dependence of sapiens
The communion is plain biology not heavenly

Friendship :

Projections and Expectations are bookish
Purity seldom exist when the acts are selfish
Eternity of friendship is nothing but a whim
Time changes and people follow the same

Family :

Affection since birth is instinctive
Reciprocating the emotions and care
Sincere duty is expected
Will stand by……..through glee and despair

Life :

Roller coaster ride with ups and downs
Sailing my way through…smooth water and storms
On my way to the culmination of my existence
Defying the rules and the predefined norms

Love, Friendship and Family are nothing
But merely the blocks of Life
Everything is for ME, With ME and By ME
Without ME, they cease to exist
I am the source….and I am the void
I is nothing…….yet I am everything
From the opening of the eyes…….till they close
The ride continues…..on the Highway… I Chose !!!

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