Thursday, August 6, 2009


The flickering lights and the shabby room
The spinning head coz the music grooves
Things are getting slower or am I moving fast
Why don’t the earth cracks?…when I can hear the blast
Lazing there, I saw..I felt…. what I have never imagined
Trying to hold my senses, slowly moving through the transition
Was it the devil himself or something moved beside me
Blood rush… like volcano erupted inside me
Wooziness is fun and I could feel the trance
Where’s the damn roof ?...Am I talking to stars?
It was just a dash…. but I think the coke hit me
She murmured something…ahh!! that pretty face……why don’t she shut it
My hands are numb and my fingers are getting cold
I laughed for the past and the surprises future beholds
I cried for the love I missed and those I messed up
My heart hobbled…Damn you!!… how many times you wanna break up?
Thirst is dancing on my lips since the start of the night
I want to punch the wall…..hey you!!…..let’s have a fight!!
I sank into the deep dark waters and struggled for a gasp
It somehow broke the shackles and am out of the trap
Somebody turned up the volume and Cobain shouted
Orange, yellow with a little red is what I could make out
I forgave the snakes and forgot the stings
I loved the euphoria…. That I was in
I thought life to be crap and people to be profane
I forgave them all……coz I found my cocaine.


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